Tuesday, 2 June 2009

A Good Love Poem

A Good Love Poem

A Good Love Poem
By Mary Harnetiaux

Please find below what I believe is a good love poem:

What Our Love Means To Me

Your Love makes me feel complete
and there is no one who can compete.

For if we could take what we have together
and share it each day, what could be better

Each day I wake with you on my mind
you are the person I always hoped to find

So with each day I share with you
there is no doubt our love is true

Be with me forever and awhile
this relationship makes me smile.

Knowing you will always be with me
is the best future I can see

So if it is possible to grow together more
let's continue and see what is in store.

The end.

If you enjoy a good love poem please use this. If you have a love you don't want to lose or you are worried that you are losing the love of your life then by all means use this poem on a card with flowers.

Ok, so may be flowers will help too. Just remember the more serious the problems the bigger the bouquet should be!! Seriously love is so involved and when we find it we want to treasure it. If you have problems maybe you need to have a different perspective.

I do believe there is power in a good love poem but I think maybe we can listen to advise from others just make sure it is good advise. Happiness and Love to all!

Try A good Love Poem or maybe you need more.

If you are in a relationship that just broke up or needs help, you can find it here http://www.squidoo.com/PoemForExLover
There is nothing greater than having someone to love and someone who loves you! Make it the best it can be! Again enjoy the Poem and feel free to use it if you want to. Learn more about getting your ex back too! http://www.squidoo.com/PoemForExLover

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mary_Harnetiaux

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